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SPE: A-NZ President Letter


This is my first letter as SPE ANZ president. While I am excited about this new role and the new things I wish to bring to SPE and the plastics industry, I also feel a huge amount of pressure and responsibility on my shoulder. I came after a man who is never to be repeated for our industry with an outstanding track record of service, knowledge, and experience.

Han Michel is a great man for our society and the plastics industry, and I am honoured and lucky to know and learn from him. It is a huge shoe that I have no intention nor capacity to fill, but I will do my best to hopefully serve its SPE, our members and the plastics industry as much as possible.

I will discuss my plans and what we are going to do in next year later, but I would like to focus on our next and largest event of the year, the Plastics and Circular Economy Conference.

This is our largest and most important event at SPE, and considering everything which is happening now in the world of circular economy and plastics recycling; it is our best event to talk and discuss plastics recycling, problems, solution, misunderstanding, toxic messages, government policies and our responsibilities as professionals in the plastics industry. We need all of you to be a louder voice for our industry and the problems we are all facing right now, and this conference is the best platform for those discussions.

We are lucky that we have involved Helen Millicer as our conference curator. She has put together an absolutely amazing program and line of speakers in a very short period. She and all of our other team members behind the conference have done a fabulous job organising this conference, and I truly appreciate all the great work they have done so far.

This is the only conference in Australia strategically and systemically pointing the way to a circular low emissions future for a priority material that we use daily and in every part of our lives and economy.

The conference will start on the 22nd of November at Pullman On the Park Hotel and continue in person until the 23rd of November. On Thursday, the 24th, we will have the last day of the conference on Zoom, focusing on the European market and everything happening there with our European speakers. We have a great lineup of speakers, insightful panel discussions, fabulous keynote presentations and fantastic opportunities to meet and discuss with professionals and decision-makers.

If you haven’t registered for this event yet, now is the time to register. Looking forward to meeting you all at the conference and discussing how we can improve what we do at SPE for plastics and circular economy and the whole plastics industry in general.

Hamed Ghajarnia


SPE: A-NZ Section



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