In this Newsletter, you will receive an overview of the actions taken by the Committee of Management over the last weeks.
Firstly, we hope that you are all in good health and can manage the ever-increasing restrictions on life as we know it. These restrictions are being made for our own good and they are being taken in such a way that we have the best chance to pass through this time without being affected by the virus.
One thing is for sure, the world will be different and we will do things differently in the future, in life and in business.
This is also valid for the SPE A-NZ Section. Short-term we will not have person-to-person meetings. The good thing is that as a result, we will eventually all spend less time travelling. Although we have switched to webinars, for the time being, we will, after this period of interruption, continue with our networking sessions when we have the “all-clear”.
The global SPE has just had a hugely successful ANTEC 2020-the Virtual Edition technical conference with hundreds of participants via the internet.
Your local Section has planned its first webinar for this year on Tuesday 21st April with Stephen Barter on Blow Moulding. Our members can attend free of charge but have to register, and non-members register at a token fee of $27.50 incl. GST. Remember our goal is to share knowledge and provide education.
We have planned similar events on Thursday 14th May and Wednesday 3rd June.
In the meantime, take care and stay healthy.
Han Michel
SPE: A-NZ Section Ltd