Recycling and recovery of materials is at the forefront of attention. New technologies are being development, applied and whole new factories are being built to preserve our resources in a better way.
This seminar includes a demonstration of the micro-recycling factory as developed at the SMaRT Centre, UNSW by Scientia Professor Veena Sahajwalla, Director of the SMaRT Centre. Nick Harford of Equilibrium will present on examples of potential supply chain models to make recycling more sustainable. Samantha Cross of Cross Connections will share her Plastic Police® participation model for better recycling of film materials and Newtecpoly will show how useful products can be made from such recycling streams. Kathy Giunta of the NSW EPA will present an overview of the NSW funding schemes for recycling projects.
This event is a collaboration between the SMaRT Centre, UNSW and the Australia-New Zealand Section of the Society of Plastics Engineers.
Date/Time: Thursday, 21st March 2019, 5:00 pm to 9:30 pm
Venue: University of New South Wales, Building E12, Lvl 6, Business Lounge, UNSW Business School. Enter via Gate 2, High Street off ANZAC Parade, Kensington with Pay Parking under University Terrace Building (B8) or Barker Street Parking Station, Gate 14, Barker Street, Kensington; see map
Places are limited. Register Now!
The seminar program is as follows:
5.00 pm to 5:30 pm
Registration (Refreshments on arrival)
5:30 pm to 5:35 pm
Han Michel, Representative for NSW, SPE: A-NZ Section
5:35 pm to 6:05 pm
Introduction to the Microfactory for recycling and Circular Economy.
Professor Veena Sahajwalla, UNSW
6.05 pm to 6.45 pm
Visit to SMaRT Centre Laboratories
Lead by Professor Veena Sahajwalla, UNSW
6.45 pm to 7:10 pm
Stewardship schemes invigorate supply chain solutions
Nick Harford, Managing Director, Equilibrium, Kensington, VIC
7:10 pm to 7:35 pm
Plastic Police®: Closing the loop on soft plastic waste through engagement, collaboration and innovation
Samantha Cross, Founder Cross Connections, Newcastle, NSW
7:35 pm to 8:00 pm
Applications for recycled plastics
Colin Barker, Managing Director, Newtecpoly, Moama, NSW
8:00 pm to 8:25 pm
Funding for recycling projects
Kathy Giunta, Director Resource Recovery, NSW EPA
8:25 pm to 8:30 pm
Closing remarks
Han Michel, Representative for NSW, SPE: A-NZ Section
8:30 pm to 9:30 pm
Networking session with finger food and drinks
For more information contact Han Michel by email: and
mobile: 0416 168 255