The Section is collaborating with Materials Australia and RMIT for this webinar with the support of Associate Professor Fugen Daver from the School of Engineering at RMIT.
This webinar will cover new developments in biodegradable materials at RMIT for packaging applications. In particular the importance of water resistance and barrier properties of plastics applications in packaging is in the foreground of attention. The importance of biodegradability of plastics will be highlighted in view of the sustainability agenda and plastics waste accumulation.
Also this time we envisage that the webinar will commence by featuring a presentation in the “Plastics make it happen” series which will cover design and application using composite materials in race rowing boats manufactured by Jeff Sykes & Associates in Geelong.
Date/Time: Wednesday, 11th August 2021, 12:15 pm to 2 pm
Venue: Webinar Zoom
Students free of charge, must register!
12:15 pm to 12:20 pm Welcome
Lynley Crawford, Event Coordinator and Program Chair, SPE: A-NZ Section
12:20 pm to 12:40 pm
“Plastics make it happen” featuring composite materials used by Jeff Sykes & Associates
Mark Nothnagel, Manufacturing Director, Jeff Sykes & Associates, Geelong, VIC
12:40 pm to 1:05 pm
Biodegradable and Superhydrophobic Plastic Packaging
Mehran Ghasemlou, Researcher, RMIT, Melbourne, VIC
1:05 pm to 1:30 pm
SECOS and Compostable Film Solutions – A Growth Story
Markus Leufgens, Innovation & Sustainability Manager, Cardia Bioplastics, Melbourne, VIC
1:30 pm to 1:55 pm
Speakers panel with Q&A
Moderated by Lynley Crawford, Event Coordinator and Program Chair, SPE: A-NZ Section
1:55 pm to 2:00 pm
SPE announcements
Han Michel, President, SPE: A-NZ Section
Cancellation policy: No refunds within seven days of the event.
The seminar organizers retain the right to change the program without notice.
For further enquiries contact Lynley Crawford, 0477 647 508 or email: lynley.crawford@basf.com