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PCE 2020 Speakers Review - Ton Emans

The SPE: A-NZ Section is proud to announce that Ton Emans, President, Plastics Recyclers Europe and Director Group Recycling in CeDo, will present at Monday (16th November) session from 8.30 pm to 9.00 pm at the SPE A-NZ Annual Conference.

Ton Emans is the President of Plastics Recyclers Europe (PRE) with more than 30 years of experience in the plastic recycling industry. He is also Director of Group Recycling in CeDo.

Ton Emans began his career with DSM in Geleen, The Netherlands and worked as a researcher in the field of environment and safety. In 1991, he relocated to a subsidiary of DSM called REKO, a company which started to recycle plastics in 1979. As a Quality, Environment, Safety and Health Manager he became familiar with plastic recycling. After the merger with Wavin Re-use into Arena Recycling he became the Purchasing Manager.

After the bankruptcy of Arena Recycling in 2000, he searched for a new owner for the site in Geleen and found CeDo willing to buy their own recycling plant. He was named Managing Director.

In 2004, he extended his responsibilities and moved to Mönchengladbach, Germany where he became Supply Chain Managing Director of CeDo Group.

In 2011, Ton Emans was named President of PRE, a non-profit organization whose members are European plastic recyclers. PRE represents National Associations and individual companies covering 80% of the European market. PRE focuses on the promotion of plastic recycling and the creation of conditions which enable profitable and sustainable business.

Ton Emans holds a Master of Science in Occupational Health and Safety from the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

For full conference details and the program, visit here.

Save the date and register for the conference here.

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