Presented by the Industrial Chemistry Division of the Royal Australian Chemical
Institute (RACI)

This webinar is Episode 2 and part of a 10-Episode virtual webinar series, a collaboration between the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI), Society of Chemical Industries (SCI) and the Society of Plastics Engineers: Australia-New Zealand Section (SPE: A-NZ Section).
The scientific community of academia, education and manufacturing powered by RACI, SCI and SPE-ANZ, has never been more enthusiastic and united to correct the public’s perception of plastics.
Is it a problem, benefit or a game-changer?
The collaboration between these association groups has secured a number of national and international speakers to bring you this webinar series which will be show-casing innovations, challenges, sustainable uses, recycling and the future of plastics nationally and globally.
The collaboration partners acknowledge the sponsorships by BASF Australia and Reckitt Benckiser.
Date/Time: Tuesday 2nd March 2021, 7:30PM - 9:00PM AEST
For registrations and additional information go to the Events page on the RACI website:
SPE members can attend these webinars using a free code. For more information on the code please contact
Venue: Webinar Zoom
Program: 7.30 pm to 9.00 pm
Welcome and acknowledgements
Han Michel - Chair
The end of “Dig, Use, Discard” era for plastics
Professor Edward Kosior, Nextek, Sydney and UK
Behaviour change affecting polymer material flow
Dr. Sally Beken, UK Circular Plastics Network, London, UK
How can human perspectives and attitudes eliminate waste and prevent pollution?
Louise Hardman, Plastic Collective, Woolgoolga, NSW
Speakers panel with Q&A
Han Michel, Chair
Thank you, advise next webinar and close
Han Michel, Chair