TThe Section is fortunate to have NETSTAL Injection Moulding Machines to present in close cooperation with their local representatives Plastics Machinery Works Ltd. NETSTAL is known in the world for their high quality machines and precision equipment with as main application areas PET preforms, closures, thin wall packaging and medical applications. The team from NETSTAL will present from the Fukuma exhibition on Lake Constance in Germany.
The second presenter this evening is the Netzsch Group from Selb, Germany with their local representative, Andrew Gilling. Netzsch are a mid-size family-owned German company engaged in the manufacture of machinery and instrumentation. Netzsch has three business units comprising analysis and testing equipment, grinding and dispersing equipment and pumps and systems.
Date/Time: Thursday, 14th October 2021, 5:45 pm to 7:45 pm
Venue: Webinar Zoom
5:50 pm to 6:00 pm Welcome and introduction speakers
Han Michel, Event Coordinator, SPE: A-NZ Section
6:00 pm to 6:15 pm
Netstal portfolio
Philipp Ammann, Area Sales Manager Asia Pacific, Netstal, Singapore
6:15 pm to 6:30 pm
Packaging application
Reto Gmuer, Application Manager Packaging, Netstal, Naefels, Switzerland
6:30 pm to 6:45 pm
All, moderated by Han Michel, SPE: A-NZ Section
6:45 pm to 6:50 pm
Introduction Netszch
Han Michel, SPE: A-NZ Section
6:50 pm to 7:15 pm
Ex-situ and in-mould materials characterisation for injection moulding processes
Andrew Gillen, A-NZ Product Manager, Netzsch, Melbourne
7:15 pm to 7:25 pm
Questions and Answers
Moderated by Han Michel, SPE: A-NZ Section
7:25 pm to 7:30 pm
Announcements and close
Han Michel, Event Coordinator, SPE: A-NZ Section
For more information contact Han Michel by email: hanmichel@bigpond.com
or mobile: 0416 168 255
Cancellation policy: No refunds within seven days of the event.
The seminar organizers retain the right to change the program without notice.
For further enquiries contact Hamed Ghajarnia, 0410816075
or email: publicity@plastics.org.au
Society of Plastics Engineers: Australia-New Zealand Ltd, ABN: 93 106 797 559
Web: www.plastics.org.au