The Society of Plastic Engineers: Australia-New Zealand Section is offering a AUD 3000 prize towards the cost of attending ANTEC 2016. The scholarship will be awarded to the best ANTEC 2016 paper. Submitted papers will be reviewed by an international panel and plastic experts from industry and academia.
As an ANTEC participant, you will have many opportunities to:
Broaden your understanding of the plastics industry
Meet with Exhibitors at the conference
Understand the impact of new technology
Enhance your skills and increase your knowledge
Eligibility for this award:
Award is open to all undergraduate / post graduate students from Australia or New Zealand
Submitted paper (ANTEC 2016) is to be forwarded to SPE: A-NZ Education Chair by Friday, 11th December 2015
Submitted paper must result in a podium presentation at ANTEC 2016 at Indianapolis, USA
Click here for more details.
Queries or questions:
Feel free to contact Dr. Muthu Pannirselvam; SPE:A-NZ Education Chair at 0433667574 if you have any queries or questions.