Inspiring Plastics Professionals
Resilience in the face of COVID-19: How design and marketing have adapted for success
COVID-19 has disturbed our markets and asked for adaptation to the new circumstances. Join us for a short introduction by Impact...
3D Printing Innovation in Packaging
The SPE: A-NZ Section has received a request by TCL Hofmann to publish information about their upcoming 3D printing Webinar with their...
Injection mould quality end-use parts using HP Multi Jet Fusion 3D Printing
3D printing has been with us for quite a number of years. HP technology stands for quality. GoProto has developed a service offering 3D...
The Economic Outlook for 2020 with Saul Eslake
The modest data on growth suggests that there still is a mood of uncertainty in the manufacturing industry in Australia despite good...
The Future of Plastics and the Circular Economy
The Annual Plastics and Waste Conference organised by the Australia-New Zealand Section of the Society of Plastics Engineers for...
Future significant changes coming to our local Plastics Industry? “Product Stewardship and Mandatory
The Waste Management and Resource Recovery Association of Australia (WMRR) has asked their members for feedback on the Product...
Advances in Materials and Technologies - VIC
Our plastics industry is still creating new materials which find applications in new and existing technologies. This seminar will...
Advances in Materials and Technologies - NSW
Our plastics industry is still creating new materials which find applications in new and existing technologies. This seminar will...
The 16th PIMA Charity Golf Day & Dinner
The event will be an Ambrose tournament (teams of 4), thereby ensuring that ALL STANDARDS of golfers will be catered for and the day will...
Advances in Injection Moulding and Supporting Technologies
Comtec is presenting its new identity with a re-invigorated line-up of partners. The heart of the business is still the relationship with...
Panel discussion focused on “Future of Soft Plastics”
Society of Plastic Engineers: ANZ Section is pleased to collaborate with The Australian Institute of Packaging (AIP) in hosting a...
Innovation in Thermoforming Seminar and Factory Visit
Thermoforming has always had a special place in the packaging industry as the products are lightweight and make use of the relatively...
Plastics Waste and Recycling
Professor Peter Halley of the University of Queensland will cover how research can be targeted to address technological barriers for...
Recycling: New Technologies, Supply Chain Solutions and Opportunities for Funding
Recycling and recovery of materials is at the forefront of attention. New technologies are being development, applied and whole new...